OOTD: Oversized Stripes

Montreal has finally experienced the inevitable drop in temperature (one of many) that signals the beginning of fall. During the summer, it's not necessarily colder in this city than it is in New York or Boston - but once September rolls around, the temperature takes a nice swan dive into autumn. Not the dreadful dive it takes in November, though. That is when Montreal suddenly becomes ten degrees colder than my hometown in Rhode Island and remains that way throughout the winter (unless it's twenty degrees colder, in that case please kill me.) So, I decided to try out this outfit combination the other day thinking that I wouldn't freeze my legs off. I mean, they stayed on. But I was itching to go home and throw on some pants, or like twenty blankets. I have a low tolerance for these kinds of things - don't ask me why I moved to Canada. Speaking of my legs, were they always that white? (thanks, mom and dad) Also, can I just say - why is it ...