I know, I'm a bit tardy with this one. As for cliché holiday blog posts go, gift guides are at the top of the list along with outfit posts filled with sparkles and red lipstick. As finals are upon me and I'm tearing my hair out with stress, I took to polyvore to create a few short gift guides in order to de-stress and procrastinate further. Admittedly, there have been a few tears shed over exams and stress and I'm living off coffee at the moment. Only one more week and I'm out of the frozen tundra that is Montreal and down to the states to see my family and my dogs. One more week and I'll be free!! In the meantime, check out my little gift guides for my best friend, my boyfriend, and my mom. I would have created one for my dad but he's too easy because I almost always end up getting him a coffee mug for christmas since he has a talent for breaking them. If you are my best friend, boyfriend or mom and are reading this post please do not expect me...