Finals are Over!
Hello everyone! I'm finally done with all my final exams and papers! I can't express how happy this makes me. The past two weeks have been incredibly busy filled with frozen pizzas and sleepless nights spent in the library. I think I spent more money on coffee than I did on food. If you're currently in university, you must understand where I'm coming from as well as the feeling of relief I'm enjoying right now. Currently I'm in North Carolina visiting one half of my family. The house is warm, smells like christmas trees and I'm lounging on the couch with the dog laying down beside me. Tonight is my little brother and sister's christmas play, and this weekend I get to visit my grandparents. It's everything that I have been looking forward to while attending to all the papers that I had to write last week.
A few weeks ago just as finals were starting up I managed to photograph one outfit that was worth of posting. I hate to admit that most days after this one I was wearing leggings and big comfy sweaters (mainly belonging to my boyfriend.) The standards for appearances during finals goes downhill in an exponential manner. When I wore this outfit a few weeks ago I think I was one of the few people at the library who was actually wearing a skirt - good thing this one is very comfy. I'd call this outfit study-worthy, although not finals worthy because it's not the kind of outfit that you can fall asleep in and then wear the next day. Don't pretend like you haven't done that before.
A few weeks ago just as finals were starting up I managed to photograph one outfit that was worth of posting. I hate to admit that most days after this one I was wearing leggings and big comfy sweaters (mainly belonging to my boyfriend.) The standards for appearances during finals goes downhill in an exponential manner. When I wore this outfit a few weeks ago I think I was one of the few people at the library who was actually wearing a skirt - good thing this one is very comfy. I'd call this outfit study-worthy, although not finals worthy because it's not the kind of outfit that you can fall asleep in and then wear the next day. Don't pretend like you haven't done that before.
Shirt - F21 / Skirt - Thrifted / Shoes - Leather Converse
These photos are (in the words of tony the tiger) GRRRRRRREAT!