OOTD: North Carolina Vacation

I'm not sure which is more nerve-wracking: having your father meet your boyfriend or your judicious little sister meet your boyfriend.  This past weekend, I was down in Wilmington, North Carolina with my boyfriend Isaac.  Though my dad had met Isaac a few years prior in Montreal, the rest of my family had only encountered him through the wonders of Facetime.  So, this past weekend was a very exciting time given the fact that I have three younger half-siblings, grandparents, aunts, and cousins who all had to meet Isaac.  Thankfully (and not surprisingly) they all adored him as much as I do.

On Saturday night, after a beautiful day on the beach we went to dinner downtown with some more family.  Isaac and I went for a little walk before dinner to snap some outfit photos.  Since only my extended family lives in Wilmington, I hadn't spent much time in the area on my own.  As we strolled along the tree-lined streets, I fell in love with the old houses and hidden gardens behind ivy-covered brick walls.  Though I'm your quintessential New England girl, there's something to be said about Southern charm.

Dress - Michael Stars on ~sale~ / Shoes - H&M / Purse - Marc Jacobs (old)


  1. Lol, I love your intro! The father and sister, awesome post, I honestly had a great time reading it!
    xoxo, simona and indre


    1. Haha thank you! Glad you guys enjoyed my post, feel free to follow on insta / bloglovin for more!
      xx Dylan

  2. What a cute dress

    1. Thank you! On sale - one of the best things!

  3. Omg so glad your family loved Issac, that could have made for an awkward trip, always one of the nerviest times, glad it was a good time! x

    GIVEAWAY on Fashion Dew

  4. I love your striped flats! So cute :)


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