Superbowl Sunday!
Okay, admittedly I'm really not into the Superbowl. Despite my indifference to sports in general, I am a New Englander and therefore feel obliged to at least have the game on in my living room while I devote my attention to Wuthering Heights - the book I'm currently plowing through. My roommate is currently making fried pickles (perks of having a Texan roommate) which highly contrasts the smell of the frasier fur candle burning on my desk next to me. Life lately is insanely busy with the looming horizon dubbed "midterm papers" rapidly approaching. Although this thought is rather daunting, I'm okay with it because right after midterms (February 27 to be exact) I am hopping on a plane and venturing off to Europe for a week! I'll post all about my packing progress and such as that approaches.
Jacket - Zara / Shirt - Topshop / Purse - Marc Jacobs
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