
Showing posts from April, 2016

The Big De-Frost

Did anyone ever see The Big Chill? It was one of those movies that I loved to watch with my mom when I was living at home.  I thought of it when I was debating the title of this post, which is referencing April in Montreal.  Basically, it's categorized by melting snow-banks and dirty streets.  If you're lucky, you can get a snippet of warmth and sunshine.  Unfortunately, we were not experiencing that bit of warmth the day these photos were taken. In other news though, it's a beautiful day outside! Yesterday I wrote my last exam of Junior year and all I have left is a small paper due next week.  Other great news is that I have a job! This summer I will be moving to New York City and working at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - aka living my dream life at my dream job.  So many things to be thankful for!  Coat - Zara / Pants - BDG / Sweater - Topshop / Shoes - Cole Haan

Best EVER slow-cooker Chili | Easy + VEGAN

Omg! I'm geeking.  Isaac bought a slow-cooker recently and we have been having many adventures learning how to use it and what recipes work well.  Recently my experimenting created this amazingly delicious chili recipe I'm so excited to share with you.  Click through to check out the recipe!

Casual Weekdays

I'm loving the fact that comfort is becoming a significant part of style nowadays.  Though dressing up is always fun, it's nice to just throw on some sneakers and be on my way.  As finals are coming and papers are due, being super fancy isn't really a prerogative.  Isaac and I photographed this particular outfit a few days ago on our way to get some food before a quiet night at home surrounded by books. Hopefully once I present a paper today I'll have some more time to spent on the blog - so stay tuned! Jacket - Zara ( similar ) / Jeans - River Island / Sneakers - Vans